Monday, May 27, 2019

As We Head Into Summer

As we enter June I have reached the three month mark of life in Dhaka. I do not know why, but three months is always a milestone for me. There are a few things coming up this month that will take me into summer. Ah, summer in Bangladesh also known as "The Rainy Season". I like the more common term, Monsoon season. ..Yipppeee ! Three months of daily torrents flooding our infrastructure lacking city. Bangladesh divides their year into 6 seasons. Sheet is a funny name for winter. however winter days are cool and the air is clear. As the monsoons have run their course the days are filled with sunshine. It sounds pretty good, not Sheet at all.

Click here for a breakdown of the seasons and what to expect, if you ever decide to challenge your sensibilities and visit Bangladesh.

The end of June marks the end of the school year for the Malibagh (CTIS) and Gulshan (CTS) campuses. The Wari campus (CTIS), which is where I will be stationed full time after June, is on a different schedule. With the end of school all the foreign teachers head out for the summer for a well-deserved break. South African, Thailand, Philippines, Australia and Ghana are some of the destinations. Sadly, because life can be difficult here, most will not be returning. One and done is the mantra around these parts. Good luck and safe travels to Marcus, Nick, Domenic, Rosa, Willie, Caroline and Sven.

**CTS - Canadian Trillinium SchoolCTIS - Canadian Trillinium International School

Now for the news that will make my high school teachers, principle and administration staff (Spik and Shaw for those in the know) roll over in their graves. I have been offered the position of school principle for the Wari campus. Let me say that again and yes you read that right. I have been offered the position of a school principle. Peace out, Mr. Bracken (RIP), you were right. Anything is possible if I would just stop smoking so much pot. 😎. The irony being that pot is now legal and I have not smoked a joint in about 30 years. I wonder what would have happened if I just gone all Grateful Dead for the past 40 years. I have only told a few people about this and I hope it does not come back to bite me in the ass. I am usually pretty good at keeping quiet until something is finalized. So here we are.

I am negotiating my contract, role and responsibilities and it has gone sideways. I should come to expect that in this country. Money is money so whatever, I will get paid. I am going down a path of long hours, managing teachers, helping parents, and basically being at the whim of the CEO. Anyone who knows me knows how that will turn out. There have been some outright lies and Cheshire grins.

** As of May 30th the contract is signed. I am now the Principle of CTIS Wari Campus. These poor children **

 Anyways, if it does not work out I will request to step back and be a teachers, screw the title and responsibility. If that does not warrant a discussion then off I go! Finish the contract and be on my way.  My initial contract runs out at the end of June, this one will run until end of April 2020. Although Dhaka is a daily shit show. I could use a bit of a routine to fully recharge but realistically that is impossible here. Recharge that is. I am in the midst of putting together a plan for the biggest tour I have ever attempted starting in the spring of 2022...I will push it to 2023 if this Bangladesh adventure holds true. πŸ˜€πŸš’πŸš‰πŸš✈πŸŒ„.

As I said, the school semester at Malibagh ends on June 30th. Wari Campus is closed now until June 16th. Seriously my time is real slack right now. I might have taken the week to go somewhere but we have exit and entry visa issues if not planned properly. That is another story for another time and probably my Good-bye Dhaka post. I am down to 3 classes a day and fill in for teachers who call in sick, which is every single day. I arrive at school at 8:00 am and catch up on paperwork and drink coffee. Today's paperwork was the last 15 minutes of the Raptors win over the Bucks. My first class of the day now is grade 4 English, which is my absolute favorite class.

Grade 4 lining up in project teams

Because of Ramadan classes are now 45 minutes instead of 65. Lunch is 30 minutes instead of an hour, for those who are not fasting such as the few Hindi's and Christians in the school. Next up is Grade 10 Health Science. We have been working on a video project that will take them to the end of the year. My final class is Grade 8 Social Studies. They are making a music video about pollution. These little projects are their final exams, so nothing to prep for me.

Next week is EID vacation when Muslims will thankfully break their fast of Ramadan. The following is review week, then exam week, then grades, report cards and parent meetings. However, during this time Wari will reopen with a whole group of new students and a few new teachers. It should be a fast and furious month.

Grade 8 in a Video Production Meeting

I have also joined the BHAGA club. It is a social club with all kinds of facilities and a meeting hub for Expats. By joining BHAGA I now have access to all the embassy clubs just by showing my fancy membership card. American, British, Dutch, Nordic, German, Canadian, Korean and a few others that slip my mind. Each has a good bar, restaurant and music scene. It will help me to survive here because that is what you do, survive in Dhaka.

The highlight of my week is Tuesday night road hockey at the High Commission of Canada. We play for about 2 hours on the tennis courts and it is tough with the heat. Afterwards we have access to the pool and the beer is ice cold. There is one idiot American who constantly throws his stick when he is out of play. Seriously, a playground trick. It has been mentioned but this being an embassy everyone is being diplomatic about it...and he keeps doing it.

You know who is not a diplomat...ME! I may just get 5 for causing an international incident.

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