Fast forward back to Canada a few years later I found myself with the dreaded device yet again. I had lived 18 months with out one and survived, check that, thrived. I did not want one but societal pressures won the day. Technology changes so quickly that in 2010 the obsession was more a corporate disease where as now mobile device dependency it is a societal disease.
In September of 2015 I again cancelled my subscription to Koodoo, turned off the mobile device and have not looked back. A strange thing happened along the way. Nothing! Again, my world did not implode.
** Full disclosure **, I held onto my Galaxy III. Here is how I communicate with the world when I have access to WiFi which is everywhere.
- Google Call. From various locations is costs .01 a minute to call a land or mobile phone in Canada. From Nicaragua its free. I am subject to a decent Wifi connection and a few times it may sound like your talking from inside a shipping container. The solution? Hanging up and calling again usually resolves that problem. I know, what a pain to have to hit redial to justify free phone calls.
- FB Calling. Yes, if someone has their phone number on their FB account you can use your laptop and a headset (like Google Call) and call them. Its FREE
- Skype. Do you want to see who you are talking to, Skype away.
- Email. Tried, tested and true. Yes, it is not immediate but that is where our obsession with mobile dependency starts right?
- WhatsApp. As I said, I do have my mobile device. The schools I work at want us available using WhatsApp for general communications. I am down with it.
- FB Chat. When the want for a quicker response than email and goofing off is called for.
I have a 6 year old Acer Laptop as I am not completely off the grid as of yet. As for my Galaxy I have it on mute and the only time I know I have a message is the little green light flashes. It does not go anywhere with me and is not an accessory of any kind. If I am going to meet people we arrange to meet. I do not feel compelled to let them know I "just jumped out of the shower", "leaving the house", "be there in 10", "around the block", "here, where are you". Mobile device dependency is a societal sickness, we all know it. This is not a judgement on the world and it's corporate consumer dependency. This is just a story about how I am trying to break free of those tethers while still trying to use technology for the purpose it was intended and not the mind numbing, brain cell depleting disease it has become.
** Full disclosure 2** - I know of what I speak. I was as co dependent on my blackberry as anyone during my time as a corporate drone. With that came the internalization of constantly checking messages "just in case" something important needed to be taken care of. Trust me when I say, after 15 years there was NEVER anything that needed to be taken care of at 9:00 on a Saturday night, or any night for that matter. Just because the person your report to or a customer has no life, does not mean you can not have one.
Meet Buster. My new ceramic mobile dependent travel partner |
Busters former home, Parque San Juan |
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