Saturday, July 9, 2016

On Your Marks, Set, Burn

Dear America:

I find myself deeply saddened by what has become of your once mighty nation.  As a child I stood proudly with you on many occasions. I cheered when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and cried when the Challenger exploded. You once held your head high and walked proudly with a bit of a swagger and that impressed me. You were John Wayne. How things have changed. You may continue to raise your pinky when you drink your tea but you are no longer the proud royalty you once were. That is your painful illusion and the only one who does not see it is you. The entire planet, well not everyone, but so many of us want to give you a loving hug then smack you upside the head with the intervention you need because now you are Johnny Manziel. You don't realize that your bullshit can have an effect all of us.

As another terrible series of events unfolds you are coming apart at the seams and you find yourself crawling, no running, to the point of no return and you blissfully ignore it. It's your self aggrandizing illusion that "America is the greatest country in the world" that is distorting your reality. For shit sake they killed someone with a robot (DRONE) by sending it in with a bomb to blow him up and you cheered. They are using drones to kill domestically now,  justifying it, and you are buying right into the insanity. Even Timothy Mcveigh had due process?

There have had ample warnings but you have become immune to it all. As a person are you waiting to be physically affected to realize that something needs to change? Be patient because you will be affected? No matter how the Government or the press spin this the fact is people are starting to fight back. The starting gun has been fired but this is not a reality TV Show. Good luck America and keep fiddling while Rome burns.

Obama says Dallas shooter a 'demented individual,' does not represent Americans. The defense rests.

In other news, I had a showdown with a large street dog. Hairy, angry  and German Shepard large. He got me in the hip (my underwear are pulled down low) and I booted him in the jaw. We both drew blood so I will call it a draw although he did sneak up on me from behind. Freaking Land Shark!

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