With that being said, having the entire of Latin America at my feet plus lots of free time I have laid down the gauntlet to myself and anyone who wants to join me (I have 2 takers). I am going to climb each one of the volcanoes in Nicaragua.
What you say? Well there are 19 Volcanoes in Nicaragua. The map to the right shows the location of the most popular ones, whatever that means. The ViaNica website has a great interactive page for 13 of them as does Google Image Search.
Having already climbed Cerro Negro and tobogganed down the skree of this active sulfur spewing beauty recharged my obsession with Volcanoes. I have climbed them in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Iceland. Two trips to Japan and I did not climb Fuji, what a dork I can be. Cerro Negro last erupted in 1999 and erupts on average every 10 years, so we are due. Thankfully it is only 25 km away and we will be fine. Wait, what? Oh when it erupted in 1999 parts of Leon were destroyed. Ah, well there is that to look forward to.
I will be climbing with my buddy Paige, who at 5'2 and about 110 lbs has already confirmed she will not be able to handle the 15 kilo pack that each of us is require to carry for 5 hours uphill (tent, sleeping bag, food, water and water and more water). Her ever present cellphone will NOT be making the trip. It's time for this young girl to live in the moment and not the Gram (as the cool kids call Instagram). ** Her generation teases me about not being up to date with technology but then needs to use Google to find out how to cook an egg**
So as the guide will not be carrying any extra weight the old man will lug an extra 5 kilo which really is no problem but the girl still has to pull her weight, well some of her weight. I would hate to have to leave her on the trail because she is to tired and her pack was heavy.
Quick story for you Paige if you read this. I was in Iceland a few years ago with my sister, Kelly. I talked her into climbing a volcano (the name escapes me). From the car parking lot you walked along a boardwalk to the trail head. All along the boardwalk were posted signs. "Do Not Leave the Man Made Trail. If you walk on the Earth beside the trail you may fall into Hot Lava", or something to that effect. I guess the lava flows from the volcano were flowing under us.
Conversation after we read that sign.
Ken: Nice this should be fun
Kelly: What, I am not going, we are going to die.
Ken: How?
Kelly: If we fall off the boardwalk we will be killed by lava.
Ken: Then, don't fall off the boardwalk.
Kelly: I am not going!
Ken: Ok, here are the keys, go wait in the car and I will be back in about 4 hours.
Kelly: (long pause)..a fu**, ok I a coming.
4 hours later..
Kelly: That was amazing!
So note to Paige. I will leave you on the trail young lady! Note to Paige's Mom. Don't read this post.
Here is a list of Volcanoes with links to their details plus my favorite, their last eruption date. This is going to be interesting.
Name | Elevation | Location | Last eruption | |
meters | feet | Coordinates | ||
Apoyeque | 518 | 1699 | 12.242°N 86.342°W | 2160 BCἙἛ |
Ciguatepe | 603 | 1978 | 12.53°N 86.142°W | Holocene |
Cerro Negro | 728 | 2388 | 12.506°N 86.702°W | 1999 |
Concepción | 1700 | 5577 | 11.538°N 85.622°W | 2009 |
Cosigüina | 872 | 2861 | 12.98°N 87.57°W | 1859 |
Estelí | 899 | 2949 | 13.17°N 86.40°W | Holocene |
Granada | 300 | 984 | 11.92°N 85.98°W | 10,000 BC |
Lajas | 926 | 3038 | 12.30°N 85.73°W | Holocene |
Las Pilas | 1088 | 3570 | 12.495°N 86.688°W | 1954 |
Maderas | 1394 | 4573 | 11.446°N 85.515°W | Holocene |
Masaya | 635 | 2083 | 11.984°N 86.161°W | continuing |
Mombacho | 1344 | 4409 | 11.862°N 85.968°W | 1570 |
Momotombo | 1297 | 4255 | 12.422°N 86.540°W | 1905 |
Nejapa-Miraflores | 360 | 1181 | 12.12°N 86.32°W | Holocene |
Rota | 832 | 2730 | 12.55°N 86.75°W | Holocene |
San Cristóbal | 1745 | 5725 | 12.702°N 87.004°W | 2012 |
Telica | 1061 | 3481 | 12.602°N 86.845°W | 2015 |
Azul | 201 | 659 | 12.53°N 83.87°W | Holocene |
Zapatera | 629 | 2064 | 11.73°N 85.82°W | Holocene |
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